Based upon publicly available community needs assessments and landmark community mental health studies like the Capstone report of 2019 that is focused on vulnerable community groups, and upon the direction set at the preceding AGM, P2P decided to expand its mandate to contribute to alleviating mental health challenges in the community with a focus on young people.
The P2P community mental health engagement that is led by youthful P2P volunteers under the Sound the Horn (STH) banner was launched in 2019.
Utilizing a small grant from the Resource Foundation, the group was able to take foundational steps including framing the program, developing reference materials and conducted a limited scope pilot program in 2019/20.
The STH group is now gearing up to engage specific segments of young community members in a “Transitions Program” that will utilize virtual and in-person peer to peer discussion groups for the youth to leverage from each other’s experiences as well as learn from invited mental health professionals.
The STH group has developed a digital platform and a website ( for this purpose and is expected to relaunch the program this year in a sustainable manner.
P2P and the STH team are also making progress in building strong partnerships with other community based mental health initiatives and will be collaborating with them to leverage their experience, conduct joint projects and expand its reach.