We have I,pacted the lives of thousand of orphans

We have impacted the lives of thousands of orphans.

The P2P orphan sponsorship program continues to change the lives of orphaned and vulnerable children in Ethiopia. Over the life of the program hundreds of children have been saved from a dire future through the provision of the basic necessities of life including a reasonably comfortable home environment, education, health care and cultural programs to nurture their spirits. Many of them have become self sustaining adults who give back to society.

P2P has also supported our program delivery partners in Ethiopia Hiwot Integrated Development Organizaiton (HIDO) and Hanna Orphan Homes (HOH) to improve their capacity to deliver their core programs and facilities. P2P has also supported additional critical support for emergencies, includes substantial funding for the provision of protective supplies during the Covid-19 pandemic.

In earlier years, our community health advocacy and education programs in the GTA focusing on HIV/AIDS have reached a large number of the target community, especially youth.


Kindergarten Learning Project

This project was  designed to address the gap in education by providing access to kindergarten learning for children from low income families between the ages of 4 and 6.

Over 200 children who could not hitherto afford the costs of kindergarten participated in this program and were successfully admitted to elementary school.

Worksheet Project

This project provided tutorial support to older orphans attending secondary schools. Over 2000 secondary students benefited from this program.

Cultural Club

This project enabled youth to generate self-sustaining income through the provision of musical instruments,  and by organizing a widely recognized  musical performance group.


P2P has actively organized and led various awareness and educational campaigns for the African-Canadian community in the Greater Toronto Area. Funded by multiple organizations, including the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Toronto Arts Council, and others, P2P's initiatives include:

- Train-the-trainer seminars

- World AIDS Day conferences

- Annual Youth Festivals

- HIV/AIDS stigma reduction projects targeting women

- Peer-to-peer education programs

- Venue-based outreach interventions

- Youth Leadership Development Project

- Book Drives

- Bridging the Gap "I can talk to my Teen" program

- Supporting Our Community: Our Health Our Laws initiative


In 2013/14, P2P sponsored the publication of two books by Ethiopian author Yoseph Ayalew, "50 Questions Children Ask About HIV/AIDS" and "The Loss of Innocence." Aimed at empowering youth with knowledge on HIV/AIDS, over 15,000 copies were distributed to schools in Addis Ababa and other regions. This initiative was funded by Teresa and Herpal Sandhu.